Pictures from Tuscany (skip blah blah)

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A view. Click for a larger picture

Some pictures from our last week end.


This post is again dedicated to Tuscany, to ‘sposa‘ and to my ‘eldest brother’.

I hope you won’t think my life is so sparkling.

It isn’t.

And I have visited Tuscany seldom in the last 15 years.

The reasons are not related to the people I mention here.

I spend an unreasonable amount of time before a screen or reading or playing my guitar or walking.

A very stupid thing to do, perhaps.

I won’t say more, since dum loquor hora fugit.


Lilla when very young

[Necessary update 😦 Skip to pics below]

Mario: “You sometimes try to make your life big. And this post proves you wanted to blow your readers’ mind with ‘your Tuscany’. Besides let’s face it Campania’s culture is greater than Toscana’s.”

MoR: “As for the last point I may partially agree though it’s hard to say and in any case Campania is today at risk (due possibly to capricious Greek influence?)

I mean, this everybody-screwing-everybody attitude come on. And you, and what you’ve done to Flavia especially, and to me. We loved you. You are and will ever remain a moron.”

Mario: *keeping silent for a moment*

“You didn’t reply to my first point.”

Buds in Tuscany 34 years ago. Mario on the right and I on the left

MoR: “There may be some narcissism (see 1, 2), or this ‘wanting to show them’ thing.”

Extropian: “The usual ‘attraction-repulsion between North and South, between hyperboreans non-hyperboreans’ thing? Interesting but boring now.

I am thinking about us, more than 30 years ago, when we used to spend so many week ends in Tuscany all together, our group of school mates. It was beautiful. And your eldest brother, terrific.”

MoR: “Lilla my female dog has just died this morning. So what can I say. Life is short. Let us live.

But I kind of believe in reincarnation.

For both humans and animals, of course.”


Tuscan friends

'Sposa' (spouse) and 'il mio fratello maggiore' (my eldest brother)

Very good natured and intelligent, he makes everybody happy in parties. Click to enlarge

Very intelligent, strong willed, simpaticissima... click for a larger image. Btw I don't know why Italian women are so strong willed. They 'grind' us

I insisted on the feather. I obsessed all with my small E63. Click for a larger image

Click for a bigger pic. In Tuscany people love (and have great) meat and steaks

Well, well ,well ... sposa is sposa. click for a larger picture

End with rain. Click to enlarge

About manofroma

Nato a Roma il 1-11-1948

30 responses »

  1. My very sincere condolences on the passing of your dog, Lilla. You must have been heartbroken.

    If there is an afterlife, I’ve no doubt that animals have it too.

  2. I am haunted by your final landscape.

    And I am sure animals have the same chance of persisting that we do.

  3. Lilla will certainly live on somewhere so she is not really dead, at least as long as someone lovingly remembers her.

  4. Thanks to everybody

  5. This is how it works: Your dog’s death reminds me that I should indulge my dog, and I make her fried eggs for dinner. She was very happy.

    Your friends in Tuscany, how sweet they look. How much larger could life possibly be?

    And, then, Tuscany always makes me think of E.M. Forster’s ROOM WITH A VIEW (via Merchant and Ivory, of course) with young, handsome George, just about to fall off a tree branch, hollering “BEAUTY! L’ESPOIR! JOY!”, declaring, as his father says, the eternal yes.

    The eternal yes. And in Tuscany. That’s sparkling.

    • I am happy you like Toscana Jenny. And you are such a sensitive, intelligent woman let me tell you.

      I saw ‘Room with a view’ (which to me is one of Ivory’s best films) which is extremely-fine tapestry and read the book by excellent E.M. Forster (Passage to India too, amazing, mysterious, and the film by David Lean too, I saw all by David Lean, he was capable to depict large historical arabesques: Dottor Zivago btw) even though Tuscans are not much understood and far and the young men killing one another with knifes in a gorgeous Florentine square looked more like Sicilians lol or Caravaggio’s.

      But, to me, that film was the UK, yes, not Tuscany, it was Britain, Scotland, and I loved all and especially the love history and also George’s father who took a tome of Byron from his library and said (to Byron!), more or less: “Now I really need you”. And she playing Beethoven? (forgot her name.)

      Thank you Jenny. I love you being here at this very personal post, I really do. One hug and one (chaste) kiss.

      My eldest brother would agree (on the kiss, less on the adjective 😉 )

  6. Lila will keep a gossamer thread to your heart, MoR. You know she hasn’t really left you.

  7. Forgive me, coming late to this post, one with many entanglements–nostalgia, friendship, perhaps one of the most gorgeous places in all of Italy, strong-willed Italian women, and the death of a beloved pet.

    Permit me to journey, a bit, with you all–perhaps to Pienza and stop on the outskirts of Montepulciano at a cafe there. A small puppy has just come out of a blue door and the owner has named her Lilla.

    A group of four handsome young people, on their way to dinner across the way at Montefelanico (maybe misspelled) insist on taking little Lilla.

    Her life has begun again, the four friends will look back 30 years later at the spontaneous reaction to a puppy and more importantly, on their friendship.

    The women will order the men around, but secretly yearn for that glance or touch that validates their sexuality.

    The men? They will eat steak, have too much to drink, cry over the puppy and how cute she is, and then want their wives to show them the goods.

    How am I doing?

    • You are doing just great with your magical words Cheri! I’ll continue as soon as I can.

      One thing Cheri. They grind us, our women, but we grind them too (possibly love the Roman-Tuscan way or ‘via dell’amore toscano romana’?) 😉

      Don’t forget, my eldest brother and I, we are John Wayne’s éleves. I am not kidding. He was our guru when we were between 6 and 15. I am not kidding at all. We still adore him, possibly more than James Stuart. Westerns are among the movies I like most still today (the American ones, the spaghetti kind less). And G, my friend, was capable a bit of imitating Wayne’s so special, elegant but powerful, way of walking, that is of course unique. Because he is more macho I guess than Jimmy Stuart. One of our favourite movies was Rio Bravo. Oh God. Dean Martin we loved too but he had less … male attributes than John. While – speaking of Italian Americans of that time – Frank Sinatra, well, definitely he had too.

      I know this is all silly and outdated.

      Still have to comment your story! 🙂

  8. @Chaerie

    I will comment Cheri in the way the fathers of the Church commented what was precious to them … altho my bizarre vein pops up once in a while.

    I have come with great joy on your journey to that small & cosy café in Montepulciano, that nice Tuscan village with its high square towers. A place btw beloved to me since my mother was born in Montalcino, only a few km afar, which explains my link to Tuscany, ie Agnese Calcagni married Beppe Tamanti from Montalcino and had 7 children. That is though Siena. Why Arezzo? Another time.

    My emotion is great thinking of the little lively puppy in the café. Yes, the four buds are happy and in their prime, and yes, the women, in their glorious youth as well are unfortunately ordering them around as it is their custom (Madonna’s? Goddesses?) but– this is poetic, Cheri our official faerie, and well erotic yes why not – the women though strong willed are females so they “secretly yearn for that glance or touch that validates” their being females, with males around.

    The meat is on the table. The males savour it and drink wine (as buffaloes drink water) and dear sweet Lilla is in her prime too, beautiful white and sweet, exactly like a little sheep (not like a small chic dog, no no no no no)


    Btw Cheri, I once I went with Lilla to a park and perhaps 30 (40?) nice-after-all-now immigrants accompanying their employers’ huge dogs started to laugh ALL at the same time when they saw me arriving with Lilla … morons)


  9. Perfect image for me this morning! The little white dog, as innocent as a lamb, accompanying John Wayne and his cohorts while they eat and drink and shoot and show machismo and bravado and lemoncello!
    By the way, tomorrow, Judge Blah and I fly to John Wayne Airport in Orange County to meet the little ones in Disneyland for several days.

    • Cheri, Cheri, thank you …

      So you mean I am like John Wayne since Lilla accompanied with me so many times? Well, no, no, how can it be, John Wayne is John Wayne, a unique figure in my view.

      Yes, I understand what you mean, you are always so subtle Cheri, and wonderful, and your words are crystal resonating like a tuning fork (your words once I recall).

      Btw, it is weird but as a kid of 5-6 I liked Jim Stuart (and Danny Kay) terribly, (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington!! Stuart’s pure heart and integrity even if I understood little mesmerized me). But when I grew up I needed more macho models. I guess when one is very little (not totally a man – or not totally a woman) some percentage of homosexuality may play a role. Hope this will not be shocking dear faerie, but a fearie is untouched by the world. I dislike men sexually in any case, but I badly need them as a very primitive (I’ll admit) hunter-to-hunter or soldier-to-soldier thing. It became irresistible after 7-8 onwards. My friend G, as I say in my poem to him, was my mentor. But I guess I keep my feminine side a bit, which I believe makes one more complete. The Indian philosopher Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan once wrote: “Perfection is being at the same time woman, man and child”. Of course this needs interpretation. As for myself, child ok, man ok, woman just a bit, which probably makes me not a complete buffalo 🙂

  10. And one more thing, my deepest sympathy on your earthly loss of Lilla.

    Look up to the stars and very close to Orion’s Belt, she may be barking at Joe (on the left star of the belt).

    • Yes, they are there, both. Only because of you though. Joe admitted her in his reign in the stars only to please you. Let’s face it, he doesn’t know me, and Lilla even less.

  11. No, you are terribly wrong here. Joe knew you because I made it so and so he knew your little lamb. It’s all perfect.

    View Orion with love and clarity (for me).

    When we come to Rome, we will look up there, toast, and agree.

  12. I LOVE the pics!
    thank you for sharing them with your readers.

  13. Scrivo qui sperando di non sbagliare ( per me questo blog “wild” è molto complicato ). Allora: sono la “gloriosa ” SPOSA, ti sono vicina anche se non mi senti.Forse a me piace di più la realtà “reale” più di questa “virtuale”…Per questo non ho più scritto…
    A presto,…dal vivo…come d’accordo.

    • Invece ti sento o Sposa delle spose. Questo blog so wild è complicato solo quando ci si viene saltuariamente.

      Vieni regolarmente e ti ci accaserai.

      Anche a me piace la realtà più che la virtualità, ma certi dialoghi li posso fare solo qui: le mi’ donne, unlivoglion sentire per nulla per nulla.

      Yes sposona bella,
      a presto…dal vivo…come d’accordo,
      al sorger, quando imbruna,
      della prima stella.

      Romano de Roma,
      Ma nel fondo,
      Non malsano.

      • Sono tornata adesso dal cinema. Hai sentito parlare del film ” L’albero della vita “?
        E’ un bel film,ma strano,molto strano. Mi è piaciuto,ma anche no.Non ti aspetti una composizione del genere…Prima documentati e poi vai a vederlo.Io ho fatto il contrario…
        See you soon

        • “L’albero della vita” non l’ho ancora visto ma la trama mi sembra molto intrigante. Mi documenterò.

          Siete stati meravigliosi, tu e ‘l tu marito, qui a Roma.

          Un grazie e un abbraccio, a presto spero!

  14. UN grazie grande quanto San Giovanni in Laterano…Certo,a Roma è tutto grande e bellissimo.Comprese le persone.Io sono innamorata persa di Roma,lo sai.D’altronde, come non esserlo! See you soon, smac

  15. Non so perché, ma l’ora non è quella che vedi : in realtà sono le 23:18…

  16. @Sposa

    Mi fa piacere lo sai che te piasce Roma, ma del resto io vado pazzo per la tua Firenze.
    L’ora su questo blog di WordPress, una ditta americana, è registrata internazionalmente – tutti da ogni fuso orario ci possono scrivere – per cui il riferimento è 2 ore prima del nostro fuso: id est 23:18 tue è per loro 9:18 pm.

    Peraltro noto che blogghi tardi. Forse è quando gli zibidei un te li rompe nissuno 🙂

  17. Invece oggi 17:47… Amo però l’ora tarda per una sospirata …tranquillità


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